About Me

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I am the luckiest man in the world! I have a beautiful wife and two fantastic boys; on top of this my job is to help People improve their golf. My family and I have just relocated back to Australia where I will be coaching at Sandringham driving range. Oh did I say I love my job! As a golf coach however I haven’t always just taught Elite golfers I have spent many hours teaching varying levels of golfers from Beginners right through to Professionals. I feel I have a lot to offer every golfer and through this blog I will let you know what I am upto as a coach and pass on some helpful information on the way. To book a lesson call +61 395835102

Thursday, 10 July 2008

Great Chipping

The key to great chipping is to use your body to hit the shot not your arms and hands. notice in this picture of my follow through my arms are still in front of my body which is facing the target. on top of this my head has rotated to watch the shot.
to practice this get yourself some plastic practice balls and chip them towards a mirror and see if you can achieve a finish position like this.
Good golfing

1 comment:

Steve Wozeniak, PGA Golf Instructor said...

Great post Jamo this is where all of the greats are and almost no club golfers because they are taught nothing but CRAP usually. Have a good one!
Steve Wozeniak PGA